©Copyright Max Estates Limited 2025

“Public Notice: Unauthorised use of our Brand”

We are a Real Estate development Company / Group, carrying out our business under the registered trade name “Max Estates”. Our activities are spread mainly in the National Capital Region (NCR), more particularly in District Gurugram, Haryana and District Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. It has come to our notice that certain groups or individuals in media (Digital /Print) are indulging in wrongful and unauthorised use of our Company, Brand Name, Logo details in their own promotional advertising material without prior due notice to and approval from us, which is detrimental to our interest. People at large are warned to beware of any such publications circulated by them in the market. The said wrongful use of information is also not as per the guidelines laid down under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016. NOTICE IS GIVEN HEREBY TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE that such wrongful use of information in any print media / portal/ website or in any other way without our approval is unauthorised and illegal and shall be at the sole risk, responsibility, and liability of the user of the information and we shall initiate appropriate legal action against such offender. Anybody coming across any such publication is requested to bring it to our notice and in case of any ambiguity / doubt about the working of any such Company / Group, kindly visit our official website https://maxestates.in. Copy of this public notice is also placed at our official website https://maxestates.in/news-and-media. Public is hereby cautioned that anyone dealing with any Company / Group apart from us under the impression that they are connected with us shall be doing so at his / her / their own risk, responsibility and consequences. Our Company / Group shall not be responsible for any such act or representation. Please also take notice that unauthorised use of the name of our Company, Brand Name, Logo details would amount to infringement of our rights. Our Company / Group shall contemplate serious action, as may be advised under law, against all such offenders.

Max Estates Limited
CIN: L70200PB2016PLC040200
L-20, C-001/A/1, Max Towers, Sector-16B, NOIDA, Gautam Buddha
Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, 201301

And its subsidiary companies:

  1. Max Estates Gurgaon Limited
    CIN: U70109UP2022PLC170197
    Max Towers, C-001/A/1, Sector-16B, NOIDA, Gautam Buddha
    Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, 201301
  2. Max Estates 128 Private Limited
    CIN: U55101DL2006PTC151422
    L-20, C-001/A/1, Max Towers, Sector-16B, NOIDA, Gautam Buddha
    Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, 201301

Ph. No: 0120-4743222

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